How To Get Blue Blood In Pubg Mobile

How To Get Blue Blood Hit Effect (PUBG MOBILE) Blue vs Yellow vs Green Blood Comparison

Welcome guys, many of you been asking me how did I get the blue blood effect or the blue hit effect in Pubg mobile, so in this article, I will teach you how I got this blue blood effect and also we will be comparing it against green and yellow blood effects to see which one is better to spot the enemies.

Currently the blue blood option is only available on the Korean Japan version and I’m guessing this option should be available for the global version in about a month, to activate the blue hit effect or to change your blood color to blue open your settings and find the effect settings it’s right below the audio.

Now you have four blood colors to choose from, if you are on the Kr the version you will have a blue color option but if you’re playing from global there will be no blue color yet, but you will get red blood color which isn’t available in the Kr version as I said before the blue hit effect should be available for everyone in about a month or it could get removed from this game since it’s really easy to spot enemies with it, I mean if I compare all the blood colors side by side, blue will be the brightest so it will be easier to see as well as spot the enemies with it.

If you don’t know exactly how it’s gonna help you spot the enemies much easier here is a comparison so the enemy is standing about 150 meters away and the blood color will be displayed on the screen let’s just zoom in and see which one will be easier to spot, I personally think that using blue blood wouldn’t give you any advantages even though it is an unnatural color in this game unless you are really color blind.

Anyway here are few more comparisons so you can decide which blood is easier to spot, now the enemy is standing in the grass at this location and if we zoom in to see more clearly which one is brighter as I said before there is no such big difference here, maybe blue blood might be easier to see since it’s an unnatural color and it can separate the grass much better but the other two colors are surprisingly brighter than blue.

So what do you think which one is better let me know in the comments now, this is the final comparison the player is hiding in the grass somewhere around here as soon as that player gets shot you will see the blood this is how most people spot the snakes and if we zoom in to see more clearly which one is brighter.

So you tell me which one is easier to spot the hits, I just think that blue blood is just good as others and my suggestion would be to use it if you like it especially if you think it’s easy to see, anyway that’s all I got for this article i hope you learned something new.

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